metals & minerals
Lanthanides (Rares earths)
Exploring for cobalt in Québec
Cobalt is a chemical element in demand since ancient times for its deep blue compounds used, for example, to colour Chinese porcelain. […]
Exploring for molybdenum in Québec
The rise in molybdenum prices since the start of this decade has been nothing less than spectacular, and market prices […]
metals & minerals
Lanthanides (Rares earths)
Exploring for magnesite in Québec
Exploration outlook in Quebec for a neglected commodity: magnesite Read more: Exploring for magnesic in Quebec
Exploring for talc in Québec
In light of the growing talc trade between Canada and the United States, a business opportunity currently exists for the […]
Exploring for uranium in Québec
The price of uranium has doubled in the last two years and the current global energy picture has prompted predictions […]
Exploring for silica in Québec
Silica applications range from traditional foundry sand to high technology uses such as synthetic quartz crystals. Some markets are saturated […]
Exploring for tungsten in Québec
The global tungsten market has greatly improved during the last few years, due mainly to the tighter control that China […]
Cobalt is a chemical element in demand since ancient times for its deep blue compounds used, for example, to colour Chinese porcelain.
To German miners, it was known as the goblin element.
It is one of only three naturally magnetic metals, the other two being iron and nickel, and it is very resistant to heat…
The rise in molybdenum prices since the start of this decade has been nothing less than spectacular, and market prices appear to have stabilized at much higher levels than those seen in the 1990s. The situation is clearly very favourable for molybdenum exploration, which has been relatively neglected in Quebec.
Most of the world’s molybdenum is produced as a by-product from porphyry copper deposits with the balance coming from porphyry molybdenum deposits. In Québec, there are many known deposits of the former type, notably in the Appalachian Mountains (including the Gaspé Copper mine, a former Mo producer), and in the Superior Province. A number of porphyry-type molybdenum occurrences are also known, and although no such deposit has ever been mined in Quebec, the discovery potential is promising for several regions.
This document provides a brief summary of the molybdenum market, the metallogeny of molybdenum, exploration methods, and target regions in Quebec.
The mission of SIDEX is to invest in companies engaged in mineral exploration in Quebec in order to diversify the province’s mineral base and open new territories to exploration.
The price of uranium has doubled in the last two years and the current global energy picture has prompted predictions of an increased demand for uranium in the near future.
Taken in this context, exploration for primary uranium resources is again relevant. Quebec has been the focus of uranium exploration since the first wave in the 1970’s and 80’s, and thus presents an obvious potential.
Known uranium concentrations in the province occur in unconformity type settings, as sedimentary hosted mineralization unrelated to unconformities, and in association with intrusive rocks (pegmatites, granitoids, skarns). The potential for iron oxide (U-Cu-Au) deposits has yet to be properly evaluated.
This overview presents a short synthesis of the uranium market and deposit types, as well as a summary of the regions in Quebec that are of interest for uranium exploration.
The goal of SIDEX is to invest in companies conducting mineral exploration in Quebec in order to diversify the province’s mineral base and open new territories to exploration.
Exploration outlook in Quebec for a neglected commodity: magnesite
The world demand for REE is growing and applications tend to diversify.
China dominates the world supply and the market remains competitive, but prices and purity specifications are on the rise.
In light of the growing talc trade between Canada and the United States, a business opportunity currently exists for the discovery and development of a high grade talc deposit in Quebec.
The sectors that offer the greatest potential are those underlain by dolomitic marbles of the Grenville and by ophiolites of the Appalachian belt. Given the present-day context with respect to asbestos minerals, any new talc deposit should be as free as possible of the minerals chrysotile and tremolite.
Silica applications range from traditional foundry sand to high technology uses such as synthetic quartz crystals.
Some markets are saturated and dominated by big players at the regional scale, whereas others are controlled by developing nations.
On a positive note, many new and promising applications may require additional production capa-city in the near future.
The global tungsten market has greatly improved during the last few years, due mainly to the tighter control that China (the world’s leading producer) has placed on its exports, and the desire by western processors to diversify the sources of their tungsten raw materials.
Economic conditions are now optimal for tungsten exploration and production in Quebec.
360, Saint-Jacques St.
Suite 1700
Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1P5
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