February 22, 2019
SIDEX presents the Laval University team with the Défi Explo 2018 Award during Québec Mines 2018
SIDEX is proud to sponsor the “Défi Explo” Award, a $3,000 bursary bestowed upon the university team who develops the best exploration program for a specific region of Québec during a 12-hour marathon.
Three teams participated in the competition: Laval, UQAM and UQAT.
Jean-Philippe Fleury, Thierry-Karl Gélinas and Christopher Grondin of Laval University are the lucky recipients. Congratulations!
From left to right, Robert Giguère, general manager of Géologie Québec (MERN), the three winners, and Isabelle Cadieux from SIDEX.
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Suite 1700
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